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Future of Cities: Medellin, Colombia solves city slums
The future of slums: Illegal settlements and congested cities
Colombia’s city of innovation plans its costliest urban project
Medellin, Colombia
Newsweek CEO Dev Pragad & Medellin, Columbia – World’s Smartest City
[Slum] Entering the Dangerous City at Night, Bogotá Colombia
IEW: Building the Just City: Sustainability, Inclusion, & the Social Urbanism of Medellín, Colombia
Jota Samper: The informal settlements reshaping the world | TED
Memory House Museum
Eugenie L Birch - Slums and Cities: Past, Present and Future
The Beautiful Transformation of Medellin's Most Notorious Neighborhood
Claudio Acioly - Street Led Citywide Slum Upgrading